Adopt a Turtle Nest Donation Levels
The Loggerhead $250

Individual or business Adopt-A-Nest. Funds will assist in providing Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park with the needed supplies used to protect their nests; it will also help pay for other resource management needs within the park. As a thank you for your donation you will receive an adoption certificate, personalized sign (please see sample below) on the nest and a 5x7 print of sign on the nest.
The Green $500

Business Adopt-A-Nest. Funds will assist in providing Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park with the needed supplies used to protect their nests; it will also help pay for other resource management needs within the park. As a thank you for your donation you will receive an adoption certificate, personalized sign including your business logo (please see sample below) on the nest and a 5x7 print of sign on the nest.
The Leatherback $1000
You do not need to be a Paypal member to donate with a credit card!
Individual or business Adopt-A-Nest. Funds will assist in providing Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park with the needed supplies used to protect their nests; it will also help pay for other resource management needs within the park. At this level your sign will be the ONLY sign on the nest. As a thank you for your donation you will receive an adoption certificate, the sign of your choice that includes either personalized sign, photo sign, or business logo (please see samples below) on the nest, a 5x7 print of sign on the nest, the full merch package which includes a critter of your choice (turtle, dolphin, manatee or gator), Friends of DWPSP t-shirt and Friends of DWPSP hat.
If you prefer to mail in your order, use this form
Thanks for choosing to Adopt-A-Nest at Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park!